The end of the school year is always so bittersweet. While I always loved anticipating the freedom summer would bring, I was always really sad to say goodbye to the kids who spent the year growing and maturing right before my eyes. As I've said before, I always loved spending the last few weeks of school reflecting on our year. It's also such a great time to look ahead to summer. I love implementing writing activities and crafts at the end of the year to give me an opportunity to do both. I created a set of four different hand-drawn craft templates to accompany writing prompts. These prompts are pretty straightforward and simple … [Read more...] about End of Year Writing Activities
Editable Growth Mindset Awards
If you know me well, you know how much I believe in the power of telling kids WHO they are. I love praising kids not just when they succeed, but when they progress and improve, too. The end of the school year is one of my favorite times of the year for doing just that. While I think it's important to celebrate growth and progress all year long, I love giving kids tangible pieces of praise in the form of awards to affirm how much they've grown throughout the year. I am so excited about these growth mindset awards! These tangible pieces of paper praise are great for recognizing yearlong growth, but they're also perfect to give to kids … [Read more...] about Editable Growth Mindset Awards
End of Year Reflections & Memories
In years past, I loved using the month of May to reflect on the school year with my kids. As much as I loved doing this for myself, I've always felt like there is so much power in showing kids how far they've come in just a few short months. This was especially fun in Kindergarten. I loved showing my kids writing samples from the first few months of school compared to how they're writing in May. "That is NOT my writing!", they'd exclaim. "I never wrote like that!" Trust me sweet children. You DID. And those first few months of your writing journey were painful (for both of us). Can I get an amen?! As soon as our countdown to … [Read more...] about End of Year Reflections & Memories
Sight Word Fluency
I recently had the privilege of providing professional development for an amazing group of primary teachers. We discussed a lot of different strategies, best teaching practices, and activity ideas. Professional development days are always my favorite...especially when teachers are eager & excited to learn more in an effort to provide kids with every learning opportunity they possibly can. During this particular PD, we talked a lot about sight words. It always fascinates me how the expectations differ from school to school, district to district. At this particular campus, the teachers were using Fry Words as the basis for their … [Read more...] about Sight Word Fluency
Keepsake Ornament
You might not know this about me, but just in case you were wondering, sentimental stuff is my jam. This time of the year brings out the sap in me and I find myself knee deep in everything that's nostalgic. My favorite part of the holiday season is decorating our family tree. The store bought ornaments are great and all, but my tender heart lets out a sentimental tear or twenty whenever I pull out the ornaments handmade by my boys. Their little fingerprints painted on the matte acrylic kills me. Can you even believe their fingers were tiny enough to cover just a teensy portion of an ornament?! Now their man hands would CRUSH them! But … [Read more...] about Keepsake Ornament
Preparing for the Thanksgiving Holidays
*This post contains affiliate links via Amazon* On a personal level, Thanksgiving is my most favorite holiday. The parades. The family. The FOOD!!!! And when the weather cooperates, it's one of the most magical days of the year (for me, anway). So it should come as no surprise that I would feel the same about celebrating in the classroom, too. Well, any holiday, really ;) Here are a few things I've done with my Kindergarten and First Graders through the years during the month of November. Of course, I don't have time for everything you see every single year, so depending on the dynamic and abilities of my students, I pick and … [Read more...] about Preparing for the Thanksgiving Holidays
Simply Your Teaching (And Your Life, Too…Maybe ;)
Since I posted my Yearlong Planning & Pacing Guide for Kindergarten and First Grade several years ago, I've received an influx of messages and emails asking if I'd be willing to create pacing guides for each year since 2015 (when it first posted). You asked, and I'm happy to answer "YES!". In fact, I wanted to go one step further just to simplify things for you as best I could. I created a fully editable pacing guide for you to add to however you'd like. In addition to the pacing calendar, I also created a fully editable yearlong calendar that can be printed, bound, and updated (by you) year-to-year. I even hand-drew the … [Read more...] about Simply Your Teaching (And Your Life, Too…Maybe ;)
Back to School Gift & Teacher Questionnaires
At the beginning of every school year, I like to send small gifts in with my boys to gift their teachers. Typically these gifts aren't expensive nor or they extravagant. Just a simple little token of appreciation to let them know that we're looking forward to a great school year with them as our teachers. I was at my local Hobby Lobby about a week ago perusing the scrapbook aisles and I found tubes of washi tape on clearance for less than $5!!! I was so excited. I use washi tape in my planners, snail mail, bible journaling, etc. so I bought several different tubes to bring back home. I knew the amount purchased far exceeded what I … [Read more...] about Back to School Gift & Teacher Questionnaires
Saturday Style Files
After a few different requests, I'm trying something different on the blog today. Welcome to the Saturday Style Files. My plan is to come back every Saturday and post a few outfit ideas that are perfect for the classroom...or anywhere else you like to wear clothes :). You won't just find the outfit details, but I'll also include similar options at different price points, too. Hopefully this helps answer some questions I've been getting and gives you a few ideas, too. ***This post contains affiliate links*** One of the easiest outfits to throw on...for me a short sleeve or tank dress & a kimono with a pair of wedges or … [Read more...] about Saturday Style Files
ELA in a Day -Back to School
As we embark upon a new school year, I wanted to take a quick minute to introduce you to a literacy resource I think you'll love...especially if you're a Kindergarten or 1st Grade teacher. When I'm visiting classrooms and working with teachers, one common recurring thing I continue to hear is, "I wish there were an easier way to fit it all in." If you're anything like most teachers, I'm sure you feel the same way. Last fall Abby and I started brainstorming different ways we could help teachers streamline their literacy instruction while maintaining the integrity of the standards & objectives as well as providing teachers with … [Read more...] about ELA in a Day -Back to School
Summer Chores & Boredom Busters
Ahhhh, summer. It's almost here. In fact, it's so close I can taste it. I love summer. Everything about it (except the crazy Houston heat and humidity!) What I love most about summer is having my kids home with me. Having them home also means I need to figure out ways to keep them busy. Not shuffle them here-and-there kind of busy, but active (both physically and creatively). Since the boys were little, they've been helping out around the house (as much as they can). If I'm being totally honest, this last year they've been slacking in the responsibility department quite a bit. I can't blame them solely for it though. If I had a mom … [Read more...] about Summer Chores & Boredom Busters
Ending The Year with Science
As the end-of-the-year quickly approaches, we often find ourselves looking for exciting ways to engage our kids, keep their interest, and teach them all the way until the last day. Okay, okay....the last week(ish), LOL. So often Science and Social Studies take a backseat to the daily demands of math and literacy, but there are SO many ways to incorporate science on a cross-curricular level. Why not end the year with a BANG and incorporate hands-on science activities that include a literacy and math component as well?! Abby and I created a year's worth of The Science Of...resources to meet the needs of science, but also incorporate … [Read more...] about Ending The Year with Science
Earth Day
Earth Day is quickly approaching and while I know that many of you may already have the day planned out, I wanted to offer a few more ideas and suggestions that you might be able to incorporate into your instruction. Instead of simply focusing on Earth Day for one day, I like to incorporate cross curricular Earth Day activities throughout the week leading up to Earth Day. I think it's important to expand on the topic and give lots of time for disuccsion and opportunities for new learning. There is SO much to know about Earth Day! One day is never enough. I also love giving my kids opportunities to build their schema before Earth Day … [Read more...] about Earth Day
All About Insects – Part 2 (Bees and Ants)
***This post contains affiliate links via Amazon*** A couple of days ago we chatted all about how I plan for a thematic unit with a focus on insects. Today we're diving into a couple of insects I focus on during this unit of learning...bees and ants! Our kids are naturally curious about bugs. Each year I was in the classroom a recurring theme of interest kept occurring. My kids were SO inquisitve about bees and ants. I do think a big part of this was due to the fact that these two particular insects were always swarming about during recess and other outdoor activities, but nonetheless they wanted to know all they could about these … [Read more...] about All About Insects – Part 2 (Bees and Ants)
All About Insects – Part 1
One of my favorite thematic units to teach is INSECTS! Does anyone else feel the same?! Now, many of you may be scoffing at the word "thematic", but don't let that word fool you. I don't mean thematic in the sense of arts and crafts and fluff and stuff. I mean thematic in the sense of cross-curricular learning. Now that we have that out of the way, let's chat about insects. This is the perfect time of the year to learn about these little creatures. As the weather changes and gives way to the emergence of bugs EVERYWHERE, our cross-curricular learning comes to life! SCIENCE OF INSECTS To make our cross-curricular unit of … [Read more...] about All About Insects – Part 1
Let’s Talk About Oviparous Animals
If you're anything like me, as a teacher you love teaching thematically. SO much content can be covered on a cross-curricular many connections can be made... when taking this approach to instruction. And because most public schools don't support teaching about Easter, this is a great time of the year for teaching all about oviparous and viviparous animals! Today I wanted to share with you a few activities and read alouds I love incorporating in my plans this time of the year. No thematic unit of learning is complete without a good set of read alouds! These are a few of my favorite oviparous animal books to keep in the … [Read more...] about Let’s Talk About Oviparous Animals
Celebrating Thanksgiving
*This post contains affiliate links via Amazon* On a personal level, Thanksgiving is my most favorite holiday. The parades. The family. The FOOD!!!! And when the weather cooperates, it's one of the most magical days of the year (for me, anway). So it should come as no surprise that I would feel the same about celebrating Thanksgiving in the classroom, too. Well, any holiday, really ;) Here are a few things I've done with my Kindergarten and First Graders through the years during the month of November. Of course, I don't have time for everything you see every single year, so depending on the dynamic and abilities of my students, I … [Read more...] about Celebrating Thanksgiving
Bat Week
Ahhh. It's October. This time of the year lends itself to SO many themes we can use to teach different skills and concepts. Candy, the skeletal system, pumpkins, and Fall. And SO many more! Two of my most favorite thematic units of study this time of the year are bats and spiders. I typically start the month of October using these two themes the first couple of weeks. Today I wanted to take a minute to share with you what the first couple of weeks of October might look like in my classroom. Today we'll start with bats! Tune-in tomorrow for Spider Week activities and ideas! I always start out bat week using a schema … [Read more...] about Bat Week
End of Year Science
As the end-of-the-year quickly approaches, we often find ourselves looking for exciting ways to engage our kids, keep their interest, and teach them all the way until the last day. Okay, okay....the last week(ish), LOL. So often Science and Social Studies take a backseat to the daily demands of math and literacy, but there are SO many ways to incorporate science on a cross-curricular level. Why not end the year with a BANG and incorporate hands-on science activities that include a literacy and math component as well?! Abby and I created a year's worth of The Science Of...resources to meet the needs of science, … [Read more...] about End of Year Science
Celebrating Mother’s Day
Can y'all believe we're already (quickly) approaching the end of April?! WHERE DID THE YEAR GO?! Our babies get out at the end of May and you know how May goes. Everything sort of hits us at once. Cinco de Mayo, Mother's Day, testing, assessment after assessment, portfolios, cumulative folders, plays, musicals, field trips, graduation, etc., etc., etc. Try as we may to be on top of things, sometimes the inevitable just sneaks up on us! For me, that is usually Mother's Day. I always think I have more time to plan and prep. What about you?! Well today I wanted to share with you some Mother's … [Read more...] about Celebrating Mother’s Day
2D & 3D Shapes
It's about that time of the year....for us introduce & reinforce 2D & 3D shapes (concepts and ideas). Does that hold true for you, too? Shape identification and geometrical language are always among my favorite concepts/skills to teach. Hands-on and engaging and so many connections to the real world! And for our kids, shapes are tangible. They can feel real world shapes. They can play with them. They can even identify shapes in the environment around them. Shapes are EVERYWHERE! And shapes are among the earliest objects they learn, recognize, and identify (thank you, Mickey … [Read more...] about 2D & 3D Shapes
All About January (and a few freebies!)
Happy (ALMOST) New Year, friends! 2017....really?!?! Have you made any resolutions? Me...notsomuch. Of course, I always want to be a better version of who I was the year before, but resolutions never quite "stick" if you know what I mean. Sure...I want to eat healthier. Work out more. Get more organized. Keep the house clean. Do the laundry...regularly ;) Yes...I want all those things. And to eat all the things and still be able to fit into my jeans. But really...I just want to have a great year filled with lots of laughter and more memories than I can count. I'm still … [Read more...] about All About January (and a few freebies!)
Classroom Elf Freebies & Ideas
It's almost time for our family elf, Elfabet, to visit us from the North Pole. He is one of my favorite family traditions because his silly hijinx always make my boys laugh. There is just no sweeter sound to wake up to in the morning, I swear. Not only are the elves flying back to homes everywhere across the country, but according to my calendar, they're flying back to classrooms everywhere, too. Here's a peek back at our visit from our classroom elf a few years ago. A special delivery straight from the North Pole with a letter, a gift tag, and everything! I read the letter to the kids and they … [Read more...] about Classroom Elf Freebies & Ideas
Thanksgiving Math Freebies!
Hello all! I hope this week's supermoon hasn't throw your babies off at all. Oh, who am I kidding?! I know it has, LOL!!! Here's to you and making it through to the Thanksgiving holidays up ahead! Halleluia, right?! Okay, so let's talk math, shall we?! I just wanted to share a couple of math activities from my Simply Social Studies Thanksgiving Mini Unit (K/1) that you might be able to use in your classroom this week or next. I always try to include ELA & Math extension activities in my social studies lesson plans. I love cross curricular teaching and our kids tend to build a more … [Read more...] about Thanksgiving Math Freebies!