If you’re looking for a set of fun and engaging themed math activities for the month of October, then this packet is for you {& your kids :)}!
***All activities include recording/assessment sheets***
Here’s what’s included…
*Sweet Treats – sorting numbers more than/less than 20
*Candy Corn Counting – determining the missing number in a set of 3 numerals
*Franken”sequence” – sequencing a set of 3 random numbers {1-50} from the least to the greatest amount
*Peek-a-BOO Patterns – extending patterns; naming & labeling patterns
*Trick or Treat – matching number words to numbers
*Count the Seeds – count a set of seeds inside a pumpkin and write the matching numeral
*Grab & Graph – grab a set of graphing squares, sort, tally, and graph the grab
*Pick of the Patch – Count the seeds on a pumpkin & dob the matching number {11-20}
*How Many Seeds Do You See? – Count the seeds & dob the number {1-10}; count the seeds & write the matching number word
*Web Runner – ten frame dice game
*Batty About Addition – Read the number sentence, count the dots, and match to the corresponding sum
For a more detailed look at this packet, click on the “PREVIEW” 🙂
Cara Carroll
The First Grade Parade
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