Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day and today I’m at home nursing a sick child. There is nothing worse than not being able to help your baby feel better. This just STINKS. We could absolutely use the prayers. Fevers scare the daylights out of me…especially when the Motrin/Tylenol combo doesn’t do a thing to relieve them.
For those of you who will be at school tomorrow, here are a few activities you can implement for a little extra fun. Of course, they’ll work perfectly for the month of February as well so no need to put them away after all the Valentine excitement has died down!
First up, Valentine Bingo.
Six player cards and one teacher call-out card is included which makes this the perfect little small group activity. This is NOT an editable freebie (so sorry!!!), but it’s perfect for a sight word review with the words that are included.
The teacher will distribute one HEART card to each child in the group and use the word list to call out sight words to the group. The teacher will call out the word and the student will search their board to identify it and cover it with a counter. As you can see, we used these great little heart counters I found at Wal Mart in the holiday party aisle.
The first person to cover five in a row (vertically, horizontally, or diagonally), will call out “I’ve got HEART!” and wins the game!! FUN!
Click the pic below to download your copy.
Next up, a fun partner game to practice blending onsets & rimes and identifying real and nonsense words.
For this activity, pair students together and provide counters for their board pieces. Again, we used these great little heart counters I found in the holiday aisle at Wal Mart. We also used these transparent spinner overlays as well, but a paper clip and pencil will work just the same!
Player 1 will spin the spinner and blend the onset on which he lands with the FIRST rime in sequence on his side of the board. For example, if the player spins and lands on /r/, he will blend that with /-at/ because it’s the first rime in sequence. If the player makes a REAL word, he will place a counter on top of the rime. If the word is NONSENSE, he loses a turn. Players will take turns blending and determining if the words are real or nonsense.
The first player to cover all of his rimes on his side f the game board, WINS! Great for small group (you can provide guidance as they get the hang of the activity) and independent/partner practice, too!
Grab your free copy by clicking the pic below.
If you have any questions, just let me know! Otherwise, enjoy the activities and have a WONDERFUL (stress free, lol!!!) Valentine celebration with your babies!!!!
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Miss Cannon says
Thanks for the freebies! They are so creative!
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Carhy says
When I clicked on the pics, it didn't do anything so I couldn't download them. What do I need to do.
Mammee Allen says
I had the same problem, too. 8(
Mammee Allen says
Works now. Thank you so much!!
Mrs.LPelletierteachesGr1 says
I did too! Clicked on the pictures and NOTHING!
Rachel Cook says
Hi Cara,
I would love to have the Valentine Bingo and Heart to Heart games but can't seem to download them. Each time I clik on the game I get a blank page.
Mldouglas72 says
Are the links no longer any good? I tried to download them but got a blank screen.
Mrs. Hardison says
Hey Cara! I have been using both of these freebie games and love them! Just wondered if you knew that on the "Words I Know By Heart" game, there are 3 duplicates on the page that lists the words. The words (to, the, that) all appear twice on that list 🙂
Karen Goudy says
I somehow missed the Valentine freebies, but wanted to use them next year. When I click on the pictures, I get a blank screen. Any advice as to how I can download them? Thank you. 🙂
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