Happy Easter, peeps! Our pastor said it best… “Easter is the definitive moment in God’s love story with humanity.” Oh.my.word. I’ve never heard it put that way, but I was in LOVE. SO true! Hope y’all had a blessed day!! We spent ours with my in-laws who are in town visiting from Indiana. Such a fun weekend! Speaking of peeps, we celebrated little mister’s birthday on Friday and I gave all the kids these fun little peeps {Pinterest inspired, thank you Eighteen25!!}. I gave these to my little firsties, too! After I ate a few boxes myself, of course :) Love it when I can kill two birds with one stone! Last week was nothing short of crazy. I’m sure y’all all heard about the tornadoes that came whipping through the DFW area last Tuesday. Remember these CRAZY airborne semis?!?!?!?
SCARY. ‘nuff said. Thank y’all for all the sweet emails & messages! Yes…we were FINE. My area was {praise Jesus} untouched. However, there was some serious damage to the surrounding areas. We had to duck & cover while we were at school. All the craziness went down during dismissal, so we kept the kids safe inside and released them to their parents as they came to pick them up. My mom was randomly visiting that day and she was keeping my boys at home. My husband couldn’t get a hold of her and worried, so he left work to pick them up and bring them back to his school…SO much safer than our basement-less house. While they were en route to his campus, they told him not to come back…the weather was looking terribly scary and they were in lockdown. SO…Mr. Spouse called me and I flipped out. My whole family…on the road…during tornadic weather. Not my favorite thought. I made them reroute to my school and I swear I couldn’t breathe until they walked in the building. Bless y’all who have to deal with this kind of weather frequently!!!! The tornado threw us all off this week, so here’s a condensed version of some of the fun we had {when we weren’t hiding from the storms}… We started learning about poetry!!! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!!! We talked about all the different types of poetry and then had a discussion why it’s important and how it helps us. I made a rough draft anchor chart when I introduced poetry. As the week went on, and we learned more & read more and more poems, I transferred all of our learning onto a new anchor chart that’s currently sitting on my easel waiting to to be hung up in our reading center. Our little “Poet-Tree” 🙂
We started the week out with ACROSTIC poems. I like starting our poetry unit with acrostic poems because they are so familiar with them…we’ve been doing these ALL year! When I saw Regan’s DARLING Rainbow Name-bows, I knew this had to be our first poetry craftivity. So stinkin’ PRECIOUS!!!! What’s more important to a kid than his/her own name?!?! I know my kids love seeing theirs in print, so I had each of my kids make their own Rainbow Name-bow when we learned about acrostic poetry. They’re hanging up in our room and we LOVE them! And what an awesome way to reinforce adjectives! LOVE IT!!!! And since we were still using my Weather Math & Literacy activities in our stations, this little craftivity fit in PERFECTLY!
Another easy cheesy type of poetry I like to introduce at the beginning of our poetry study is LIST poems. We’ve been making lists all year, too, so the kids had a great time with these! We learned about the ou/ow spelling patterns last week, so I incorporated the –ou diphthong into our poetry and we wrote list poems about clouds. A great little piggyback activity to the rainbow name-bows!
Speaking of the –ou sound, we also wrote little OUch stories complete with band aids and everything! We did this little activity during our Writer’s Workshop block of time. I started with a little mini-lesson about writing with detail and starting our stories with a “hook”. I wrote a ridiculously true story about how I broke part of my foot this past summer when I got in a fight with my wedges and my wedges won :) The kids thought that was hilarious and they helped me add some great detail to my story. They were SO excited to write and illustrate their own OUch stories! They did AWESOME!!!!
I can’t believe there are only 7 more Mondays left in the school year…6 if we don’t count tomorrow ;) So much to do!!!!!! Have a great week, sweet friends!!
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Love your Poet-Tree!
Let's talk about how this is so much better than making an enormous Poet-Tree like I have in the past, and now I am totally copying you. I'm never going back! Also, I have to note that it's amazing how much your happy little tree looks like Bob Ross!!! Intentional, or not?! 🙂 Love it! I am so glad that your family was untouched by the storms!
So glad you are all safe and sound:)
I really like all of the poetry ideas you shared. I will definitely be using them with my class. Thanks for sharing!
Connie @
Wow! You are such an artist. I love your anchor charts and how they grab the kiddies attention right away. I've made several of your charts in my room and the minute my students walk in and see it, they instantly ask what is that and what are we learning about today.
I love your posts! I had just taken off from DFW that morning!! We had to fly around the storms and boy was it turbulent!!!!! Who knew they would turn into such horrible tornados!!!!!!
Glad you are safe and love the rainbow Acrostic poems!!!!
Amy Burton
I love your poetree. When I taugth second, I had an actual tree in my room that I hung poems on for my kiddos to practice fluency. They took a poem home each week from the tree and read it to as many people as they could to build their fluency. Each time they read it, the person they read it to sign a paper. At the end of the week, the kiddo with the most signatures was called the Great Peotry Race winner. I put their picture on our Great Poetry Race poster in the hallway and they received a little trophy to keep on their desk for the week that said "Great Poetry Race WInner!" They loved it. I miss my second graders a lot. 🙁 Enjoy your week. 🙂
Sprinkles to Kindergarten
So glad you all are safe! I am definitely stealing your poet-tree idea! I had seen the rainbow namebow as well so add that to what I am taking from this post. Thanks for always sharing!
Sorry about your scary weather.
Thanks for the cool writing ideas!
Grade ONEderful
I love what your pastor said too 😉
And I am obsessed with the poet-tree!!!!
Apples and ABC's
Glad you guys are ok! Love the poetry ideas!
First Grade Blue SKies
Oh, how I wish I was as awesome as you. LOVE all your ideas!
Happy to hear you all are safe! Being from Nebraska, I know how scary tornadoes can be!
Teaching First Grade in Switzerland
What a cute poetree! I'm so glad you and your family are safe and sound. That sounds so scary!
Sarah's First Grade Snippets
I love your pastor's words! I can hardly wait to share it with my husband. Love it!
We started our poetry today, I'm so stealing the Poet-Tree!
Thanks for posting and sharing all the goodies you found in blogland
❤First Grade Delight❤
I hope you think imitation is the highest form of flattery. If you were to look in my classroom you would think I'm your crazy, stalker, copy cat. You have helped me out so much this year as I bounced back down to the little guys after teaching 5/6 last year. Your blog has made me a better teacher and helped make my kiddos have a better K/1 experience. Thanks for all your hard work and your generosity. Please know it is totally appreciated.
I made those namebow rainbows last week– I absolutely love them! I love your cloud poetry 🙂
And I'm glad that you and your family are okay!
A Cupcake for the Teacher
Thanks for all of the poetry ideas. I can't wait to try them.
Glad you guys made it through the tornado safely.
Kelly @ I'm Not Your Teacher, I'm Your Grandpa
Cara! I just saw this now…I love that you made the rainbow name-bows!! I just love you period. end of story.
Thanks for being so inspirational!
LOVE the Ou-ch stories! My kids would have a ball with that!
Rowdy in Room 300
Love the poetry crafts! So cute!
I have that Rainbow Cloud Pattern. I use it at the beginning of the year and the kids write a paragraph about themselves. One sentence on each rainbow strip.
You teach in Dallas? I am such a fan of your blog! I am student teaching right now in Texas (Don't want to say where over the web) and I am looking in Dallas for a job! I would love to come and observe your class sometime and "borrow" all of your ideas! 🙂