Happy full moon Monday!! Did y’all realize that there’s a full moon today and we’re ending the week on Friday the 13th?! Should I just go ahead and call in sick now?! I’m sure y’all are all cozied up on the couch…in your Footed Hoodies…and drinking a few glasses of cabernet if your day was anything like mine :) HA! We’re all ready to learn more about snowmen this week, so we started out by reading the story, “Snowmen at Night”. Now, if you were reading this little ol’ blog last year, you might remember this little writing craftivity we did after reading the story {inspired by Rachelle at What the Teacher Wants}. I loved that activity…and so did the kids…but then I found this DARLING little guy on Pinterest… via The Elementary Art Room Precious. Well, since we were writing about something we would do at night if we were snowmen, I used black paper instead and had the kids draw a little moon{ish} for their snowman to look at. The writing prompt was, “If I were a snowman, at night I would…”. I LOVE how different they all turned out!!!!! We also made our symmetrical snowflakes this morning so that I could replace the Grinches that were still hanging from my ceiling :) This is always one of my favorite activities because it really helps me to see who struggles with the concept of symmetry and they ALL turn out DIFFERENT!!! Since we’ve been reviewing repeating and growing patterns, this was a great little closure activity to our learning. Now, if you remember yesterday, I posted about this little gem of a snuggie… Sweet Katie sent me an email today and said that I reminded her of Ryan Gosling in my little getup. Umm, say what?! I’m all over that….
Ya see. We’re starting a movement, people! You might wanna jump on board ;) All I gotta say is…
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Andi says
He's sooooo dreamy. Weird, but dreamy!
Katie Klohn says
I am so grateful that we do not have school on Friday and that we get out early on Thursday. I know the kids will be crazy! They were crazy this past Friday! Them knowing that it was Friday the 13th would've only made it worse!
Miss Klohn
Adventures of a 6th Grade Teacher
Lisa at Stories From Second says
Haha! 🙂
I love those symmetry snowflakes! They would be a great review for my second graders. 🙂
Stories From Second
katy bartlett says
Instead of "Snowmen at night and Ryan Gosling"
how about
"Ryan Gosling at night and snowmen?"
Reagan Tunstall says
perfection.hunk in a onesie. Thankyouforthat!!!
laughinbrunette (Jennifer) says
I am loving it all!
First Grade Blue SKies
Bilingual Scrapbook says
Loving the snowmen 🙂 Too cute!
Lindsey (The Teacher Wife) says
hahah! i am laughing my head off because you are just too darn cute! pink looks GREAT on you! 🙂
Traci says
It's ALL adorable . . . the snowmen, {love the noses}, your pink pj's, and Gosling.
♥ Dragonflies in First ♥
Kristin says
Ha! That's too funny!
A Teeny Tiny Teacher
Clutter-Free Classroom says
I've pinned the snowflakes and will definitely be doing them when we teach symmetry next week.
❤Jodi from…
★★The Clutter-Free Classroom★★
Helping Teachers Get Organized
Kelly B aka Queen Bee! says
LOL, Loved the snowman activity! We are actually making snowmen today to go along with our winter unit/snow.
Love, love, love Ryan! I have loved him since The Notebook and that is one of my favorite movies that I could watch over and over again!
Thanks! Kelly
Primary Junction says
I love your Snowman at Night project! So adorable!
Primary Junction
Jodi says
The snowman turned out adorable!!
Jess says
I have got to do those snowflakes now! We are learning growing and repeating patterns and my kids would love this activity! I need to get to school pronto to start cutting the strips! Have a good rest of your week! Don't be too frighten by your little ones…at least you have MLK day off!
Rambling About Reading
Shaheen says
Love the pattern snowflake activity. Love your blog too! I've gotten some great ideas, thanks! : )
Gina says
It must have been the full moon yesterday that made my kiddos crazy!
I too found that snowman activity on pinterest. It is too cute!! Now I just need to find time to squeeze it in 🙂
A Chocoholic Teacher
Mrs. Cupcake says
I second Katy Bartlett's comment, ha!
A Cupcake for the Teacher
Mrs. Halbert says
I'm loving those snowmen and your Ryan Gosling shout out! 🙂
Learning with a Happy Heart
Darcy says
What an original AND adorable idea! I was just trying to figure out how to come up with a new snowman display! So perfect and so timely!
Tanya Solano says
Oh Cara, those snowmen are A to the dorable! I'm for sure doing this writing assignment with our 4th grade buddies on Friday. Thanks for sharing!
Ms. Solano's Kindergarten
Elizabeth says
Oh my goodness…I'm ready to join the movement 🙂
Fun in Room 4B
Shannon.05 says
So I'm not the only one noticing crazy antics from my sweet darling students??? Praise the Lord!
Lisa Lizak and Beth Wright says
HAHA 🙂 The bunny suit look-alike from A Christmas Story, Ryan Gosling, and adorable lesson ideas 🙂 I think I've found paradise…hehe 🙂 Thanks for making me smile and laugh 🙂
Lisa 🙂 (new follower)
Made In The Shade In Second Grade
Room 114 says
Love the snowman writing activity. Thanks for sharing!
Also loving the Ryan Gosling extra. I think I need to join the movement 🙂
Mrs. Goods says
What are the odds? You are so hilarious!!! LOVE THE JAMMERS, LOVE THE BLOG, LOVE YOUR ACTIVITIES.
Keep it up Girl!!!
t. ulch says
I just love that snowman project! I had my kids do it today and they turned out adorable! The kids kept saying,"This is so fun!" Thank you SO much for the idea!
Dee says
I love your blog:) I have awarded you The Versatile Blogger award! Come by my blog to pick it up!
wee says
I did the snowman tear art today and it is darling! Our librarian read the book to the kids and we had done the writing so it was perfect timing. Thank you!
Jennifer says
Your snowmen turned out ADORABLE!
Rowdy in First Grade
applesandabcs says
I am your newest member! I LOVE your blog and your snowmen activities!!!
Apples and ABC's
M.Renee says
Sooooo a part of the movement! Just watched Blue Valentine, he knows how to fight for his lady! ….Now back to planning
100th day activities!
amy.lemons says
Seriously, I agree. If Ryan (we are pretty much on a first name basis) promotes them, then I'm all in!
Mrs. Cockrell says
LOL about your footie pjs! And Ryan Gosling! mmmmm…
Love all your snowman fun!
Kelly says
Love the Snowmen! Thank you….my students will love this activity!
Lisa Fiema says
Had to tell you that my students and I made your torn snowmen projects this week. We had a fantastic time! Thanks again for sharing!!
Kristen says
These snowflakes are
PRECIOUS!!! I have to ask…do your kids cut out the shapes??
Rachel S. says
This is a great post!
Thank you for sharing this.
In the spirit of proper credit, which I know can be so hard to keep up with- I just wanted to pass along the link to my snowmen collage project which I believe is where Elementary Art room's came from, and mine was originally inspired by Painted Paper:
Happy new year and winter season!
Cheryl Ener says
I have seen these all over my school! Super cute!
Crayons and Curls
ARC Pointe Group says
This is a nice post. Thanks for sharing with us.
Thanks for sharing the great information. It is well written!!
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