I’m sure by now you all know that Google Reader will be non existent as of July 1st. Sadsville. That’s pretty much devastating since that’s the ONLY way I read blogs these days!!! It’s just so convenient. That to be said, if you haven’t started prepping for Google Reader’s extinction, you might wanna go ahead and start getting ready now. It will take you all of a hot minute, so don’t worry about it taking too much time 🙂 Sit down with a tall latte and by the time you’re all finished with your drink, you’ll be good to go 🙂
One of my favorite bloggers, Decorchick, has a great little post about making the switch from Google Reader to either Feedly or Bloglovin. You should hop on over and figure out which option suits you best. I went ahead and switched over to Bloglovin and the app imported all of my subscriptions from Google Reader with just the click of a button. The easier, the better because “ain’t nobody got time for that!!!!” If you wanna keep up with the random happenings, ideas, freebies, linky parties, products, and fun here at The First Grade Parade, just click on the link below to follow on Bloglovin.
Happy switching!
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Change is never easy, but I just made the switch too! Following you on Bloglovin'!
I joined Bloglovin, So far so good, except I keep getting advertisements of Asian women to date. Don't know what to do to get rid of this. Just wondering if you have any ideas. Thanks!
I'm sorry I chuckled a little reading this. 🙂 I hope you can get rid of that soon! Bless your heart!
I made the switch yesterday. Downloaded the app… It's okay, but will take some getting used to. I am a follower now!
This just shows you can learn new things. I never used the google reader…who knows why…so you can imagine my excitement when I realized I can read MANY blogs without going to each one.
I know! It'll be awkward getting used to a new system. I made the switch to Bloglovin' a few weeks ago to ease the transition, so we will see!
I, too, mourned the loss of Google Reader. That being said, Blog Lovin' is awesome!!! There is a way to transport all of your google reader blogs to Blog Lovin' in ONE CLICK too!!
Haha! I heard the voice when I read "ain't nobody got time for that!" You crack me up!
Teaching in the Tongass
OMG this has made my life so much easy. I had no idea my favorites list was full & I kept clicking on each one to read all the blogs.
P.S. urs was on my tabs so every time I opened my internet there u were 😛
Maybe there is a lot I need to learn about reading blogs, hmmm I think I wann have a blog 😉
Ha! Ain't nobody got time for that is RIGHT! I am going to check out the tutorial post you mentioned. Thanks!
Sprinkle Teaching Magic
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I'm glad I took time to read thru this. I have moved to Bloglovin and I thought I was all ready following you but I realized I wasn't…but I am now!
I'm following you! yayy! now if I can get someone to follow me:(
Made the switch and am enjoying the iphone app. It's actually caused me to catch up on some blogs that I hadn't read in a while AND see ACTUALLY how many I've followed. WOW! Always love reading your posts!
~Tanya =)
A+ Firsties