In case you haven’t figured it out by now, I’m a pretty happy person. Life’s too short to be ANYTHING but happy. Don’t you agree?!
I want the kids in my classroom to feel the same way EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.
When you think about it, many of our kids might be the happiest they’ll be all day long when they’re in our classrooms. It’s my job…my privilege…to make them feel safe, loved, and yes…HAPPY. I may not always succeed, but I’ll tell you what. I try my darndest to make sure it happens!
When my boys get home at the end of the day, I pray they feel the same. HAPPY. I know their teachers worked SO hard last year to make them feel that way. They’re pretty happy kids in general, but it felt so good to know how happy they were when we weren’t together. I love that they were always so dang happy to go to school!
I want my classroom to be one of the happiest places in my students’ lives. I want my kids to LOVE to come to school. I want them to be excited about the day. I want them to go home at the end of the day with a head full of happy memories to talk about during dinner. And I want them to wake up the very next morning excited to do it all again!!!
Last year, GoNoodle helped me up the happiness factor in my room TREMENDOUSLY!!! My kids were flat out OBSESSED. We were brain breakin’ fools, I tell ya!!
See what I mean?!?!?
Let me back it up just a bit.
Do you GoNoodle?? If you didn’t last year…and if you’ve started without GoNoodling this year…you need to get on board. I truly wouldn’t tell you that if I didn’t see the amazing things it did for my classroom environment last year!

GoNoodle is a FREE site just for brain breaks and it’s SO easy to get started.
Like I said, you can sign up for free. And you need to. Trust me.
Once you’re signed up, you can add your class and then do a little demo to see what it’s all about. You’ll want to do that, too.
You even get to pick your own classroom champ! Each time you brain break, your champ gets bigger and grows as he travels through his little land. One of our personal favorites??!?!? FRECKLES SINCLAIR!!! HA!
Remember that demo I was talking about?! You CAN’T mess it up!!! You can try out different brain breaks to see if they’ll work for your class and it won’t mess up your class progress. Cool, right?!
I about died last year when I saw how many options I had to choose from…
Koo Koo Kanga Roo was a class favorite last year….especially their Dinosaur Stomp and Happy Rainbows. Not gonna lie…I smiled…and danced along…with each and every break we did. How could you NOT be happy acting silly?!?!
And I swear brain breaking doesn’t have to be a HUGE part of your day. The good folks at GoNoodle already broke it down for us and categorized the brain breaks by time, subject, etc. LOVE!
There’s a brain break for EVERYONE!!!
We typically did our brain breaks at the start of every day. Then during transition time. After lunch was a must. And at the end of the day. I know that seems like a lot, but it didn’t feel like that. It was just what they needed. And it made them SO HAPPY. They BEGGED for brain breaks.
It was amazing to see how much more focused my kids became after doing a brain break. One of their favorite rewards was MORE brain breaks! I personally think they loved watching Freckles grow 🙂 But hey…whatever works!!
I loved that my kids weren’t just sitting around all day working. I loved that they were up and moving and exercising their little bodies and minds!!!
I think Elle Woods said it best…
In all seriousness, I had such a happy classroom environment last year and I feel like I owe so much of that to GoNoodle. I don’t endorse anything I don’t believe in and I can’t say enough amazing things about this site!! So if you haven’t signed up yet, DO IT TODAY. It’s free. And it’ll make both you AND your kids happy!!!!
What are you waiting for?!
Just head on over to GoNoodle, register for your FREE account, and enter to win!!! You can earn more entries by following GoNoodle on Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook, too!
Now hop on over to visit my friend Elizabeth at Kickin’ It In Kindergarten. She’s giving away some great GoNoodle swag, too!!!!
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I started GoNoodling last year and my kiddos LOVED it!! Wonderful resource!! 🙂
My class loved GoNoodle last year too. We'll be back this year!
Hi, Cara! Thanks so much for sharing this with us! I think you're amazing!
Thank you so much ….. What a cute idea 🙂 You are the best at sharing great ideas!
We love GoNoodle in our JK class!
We started GoNoodle last year! I'm not sure who had more fun… Me or the kids! I can't wait to get back to it this year with my little firsties.
My kiddos ABSOLUTELY loved GoNoodle last year. We also loved Dino Stomp. Our favorites were: happy, run like the kitty (weird but catchy) and Wiggle it. 🙂
Thanks Cara! I just entered to win on your page! I use similar brain breaks, but need to try Go Noodle this year!
Last year my kiddos were also so.obsessed. They could NOT get enough of Go Noodle. They started with Tangy Bodangy who they adored. We then had Squatchy Berger who was ok. I'm not in a primary grade this year, but if I were I would TOTALLY be Go Noodling every day! 🙂
I just signed up! With our schedule this year we have specials first thing…so our afternoons will be loooong! This is definitely going to help 🙂
Thank you for sharing!!
I am a first year teacher and I am so excited to use GoNoodle in my first grade classroom!! Thank you for sharing! 🙂