As parents, we have a strong tendency to fall prey to the familiarity of routine. The monotony of the normal day-to-day tends to set the tone for the interactions we have with each other & our kids, too. Oftentimes, I can predict how a conversation with my boys will go before I even initiate it.
As a mom, I crave authentic communication and conversation with my kids. Sometimes I feel like I’m pulling teeth to get more than one word answers from them. I also realize that asking them the same questions over and over again breed the same answers. I’m always trying to engage my kids in conversation one way or another and I’ve noticed through the years that they respond best when they’re 1.) interested in what I want to talk about and 2.) when the questions I ask are different than the normal, “how was your day?” type inquiries.
I created a set of 200+ conversation cards you can use with your kids any time you want to initiate a conversation. I keep ours in a jar on our kitchen table, but use them whenever I want to ask something out of the norm. You can use these around the dinner table, during breakfast, pre-bedtime….really any time of the day. Hopefully these help you as much as they’ve helped us and lead to some really great, authentic conversations that help to strengthen your relationships.
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